Monday, April 4, 2011

Starship Date April 4

Well, here I am again being my own worst enemy.

I have to get ready to pick up my little one and I'm always worried about something. My filling fell out my tooth, so I put some fake filling in and that fell out (thanks wandering tongue).

Quick update about me-during the week of March 21, I lost my job. I was fired. I went to see my therapist, who did not make me feel any better. (It must be humiliating...downward cast eyes of sadness. I'm like damn, it wasn't that bad!) Now she needs for me to come back to see her again. But the thing is I was just going to this job to collect a check. That's it. I wasn't a fan of the people, nor the ever changing procedures or anything. It was killing my daughter-strange hours, waking early, arriving home late. She was not a happy unit. So, in the end, it worked out for the better. I could not see myself at this job for a long time anyway. You know how you visualize what you are doing, like working? It was like blackness clouded my future with this job. I was let go, didn't say good bye to anyone and forced to take with me all the secrets I was told. Watch your teachers folks, half of them smoke weed and bring it to work. Many times they are fighting each other and having disputes with the heads or whomever. Better not give up too much information.

Now, I'm at home, allegedly working on my psychology final. But, I decided, at the urging of someone else, to write this blog. You're welcome. Oh she knows who she is.

Anywho, in about 30 minutes, I'm stepping out to get my baby. She had been pretty sick and was out all last week. She goes back to school today, looking extra springy, and everybody was giving me the side eye saying how much they missed her. I'm like it's not my fault you people have diseases from the 1800's floating around the school! Jesus!

Must remember to take some semblance of snack.

Had first interview today at temp agency number 1. They called me 2-3 hours later with a job offer, but it was way far out and the chick needs to call me back about the hours. Looks like we may be doing the 730 arrival time again, as it is located outside of the District in a suburb that's on a metro that continually breaks down. She hasn't called back yet, but I have another interview with another agency tomorrow, so let's see how this plays out.

I need the money. I won't make rent next month, unless unemployment kicks in. I have until April 19th to get a call or something from them and they best hurry tha hell up. Sista is broke! That's $700 of my hard earned bucks that were set aside for such an event.

Now the pain comes. My tooth needs for you to listen. Tomorrow's plans are to interview with temp agency 2, head over to court and contemplate some stuff, then head home and work more on my final psych project.

I love psychology so much, I'd switch my major, but it's just been so overwhelming. I mean I did have a nervous breakdown right after my birthday, but didn't share with anyone. So now, the entire webverse knows. Yup, that's what happened.

Siging off.